Restore Windows default settings with RefreshPC

By vamshi → Saturday, September 17, 2011
If your computer is getting slow day by day and you are getting lots of bug then in that situation RefreshPC can help you out. RefreshPC is a small utility that allows Free restore the default settings of Windows. This can fix many problems on your computer.
RefreshPC is easy to use and secure. When you run it you can create a restore point system, which can be useful for undoing changes made ​​by RefreshPC later if necessary.
RefreshPC 1.0
Then all you need do is click Refresh My Windows Settings. He will restore the default settings for essential services and system specific keys from the Windows registry and ultimately will make the cleaning of temporary folders and data stored in the Windows Prefetch.
Once the cleaning and restoration process is completed, it will prompt you to restart Windows. Click OK to restart the system and see if Windows will start to behave normally.
Compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Jillur Rahman

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