How to disable autorun in Windows 7

By vamshi → Saturday, September 17, 2011
The autorun feature of Windows OS can take your computer to be infected by viruses and other malicious programs. Therefore, for security reasons, it is recommended to disable it. To disable this feature a small utility has been developed called Windows 7 Autorun Disabler.
Windows 7 Autorun Disabler
Its a small utility that gives users of Windows 7 a very simple way to disable the autorun feature for CDs/DVDs and flash drives.
This program provides options to disable automatic execution of removable media drives, CD / DVD , network drives, RAM disks and option to disable autorun for all drives.
As we all know that Malicious or spyware programs uses autorun feature to get spread all over your computer, in this situation its really become hard to remove those Malicious or spyware codes from PC. But if you pre-disable autorun feature then your PC will be protected from these codes.
Operating this utility is very simple. Just run the program and select the option you want. To restore the default setting, check Enable autorun function on Windows 7.
Compatible only with Windows 7. Vista and Windows XP users have to wait for few more time.
Jillur Rahman

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