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Many of you may have probably seen these computer tricks before but I’m hoping that there are still some who’ll be amazed  I’m going to show you. These are some of the most popular and really amazing computer tricks that I collected from the internet. I know you’re excited to see these tricks so I’m going to show it to you now. Check this out:
For Windows PC users:
1. What’s with the word “CON”?
  • Try to create a folder anywhere you like (i.e. desktop,).
  • Rename the folder with CON and see what will happen.
  • Try to rename other files (i.e. images, documents) with CON. Still, it doesn’t change right?
2. What’s up with “BUSH”?
  • Open your notepad.
  • Type “Bush hid the facts” without the “ “.
  • Save it and open it again.
3. Test the strength of your anti-virus
  • Do you want to know if your anti-virus is really protecting your PC? Open your notepad and copy-paste the code below.
  • Save file as If your anti-virus is really protecting your PC, it will warn you about this “virus tester”.
NOTE: This isn’t harmful to your PC. This is just a simple test to check if your anti-virus can detect virus. For more info, click here.
Internet Tricks:
1. Flying Images
  • search waht u you want (i.e. dog, baby).
  • Now, copy and paste the code below in your address bar and hit Enter.
Flying Images
javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);
2. Your web browser is shaking!
This is a simple trick. Just copy and paste the code below in your address bar and see what will happen.
javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i) ;self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)
3. Hack any website and edit them
  • Actually, with this trick, you won’t really be able to hack any website (I just named it that way) but you can edit them.
  • Visit any website and copy-paste the code below in your address bar.
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

Awesome tricks that u did not know before

By vamshi → Saturday, October 8, 2011
Boot up with DOS and delete the sam.exe and sam.log files from Windows\system32\config in your hard drive. Now when you boot up in NT the password on your built-in administrator account which will be blank (i.e No password). This solution works only if your hard drive is FAT kind.

Method 2

1. Put your hard disk of your computer in any other pc .Step 2. Boot that computer and use your hard disk as a secondary hard disk (D'nt boot as primary hard disk ).Step 3. Then open that drive in which the victim’s window(or your window) is installed.Step 4. Go to location windows->system32->configStep 5. And delete SAM.exe and SAM.log 
Step 6. Now remove hard disk and put in your computer.
Step 7. And boot your computer


By vamshi →

ok.guys thanks for visiting today i will show awesome tricks of notepand 
Notepad is the default text editor in the Microsoft Windows OS. Many people prefer alternatives to notepad such as Notepad++, but did you know that notepad can do much more than just view and edit text ? In fact, I’ll tech you how to make a fake virus using notepad so that you can fool your friends 
Here are some awesome trick you can do with notepad…..
1. Log Diary Trick
Have you ever wanted to make your own diary on your computer ? Why not try notepad..
LOG Notepad Trick
  • Open notepad
  • Type .LOG
  • Save the file as LOG.txt
Now when you open notepad, the date and time will automatically be inserted. Write anything you want and the date and time is auto inserted. Your own notepad Diary 
Bush Hid The Facts 4335 Rule
2. The 4335 Rule
This trick may not work on all computers
This has been surprising users for quite some time. When you enter a few secret codes, notepad hides them.
  • Open notepad and type in BUSH HID THE FACTS
  • Close notepad and open it again to see the magic
Can you read it again ? This is called the 4335 Rule. This means, if the first word is four words, the second and third as three words, and the fourth as five words, then you follow the 4335 rule and the text is hidden.
The same happens with this app can break.
3. Open a file using notepad
Here is a simple trick to open any file or program with notepad.
Open notepad and type the following:
Start path of file
Then save the file as Shortcut.bat
Please note that the file type should be kept as ALL FILES while saving it as a .bat file.
Change path of file with your actual file path. For example if you have a file called run with an extension .exe in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your path should be something like this: C:\TEST\run.exe
If you want to open some complicated programs such as Firefox, then use this code:
START /d “path of folder” program.extension
Change path of folder with the actual path of the folder, and put the name of the program with its extension. For example if you have a file called run with an extension of .exe in the folder TEST in C:\ drive, then your code should be something like this: START /d “C:\TEST” run.exe
4. Make Questions
Want to make something interactive ? Need to make questions ? Here is an example of a question made with notepad where the user got the answer correct.
Question Fun PC Life Notepad Trick
To do this, just type the following code in notepad.
ECHO ………………………………………..
ECHO PRESS 1 or 2 to select your task, or 3 to EXIT.
ECHO ………………………………………..
ECHO 1 – This info was given by Fun PC Life
ECHO 2 – This info was not given by Fun PC Life
SET /P M=Type 1, 2, or 3, then press ENTER:
IF %M%==1 GOTO Correct
IF %M%==2 GOTO Wrong
echo You are right !!
echo You are wrong. This info was really given by Fun PC Life
goto EXIT
Now save the file as Question.bat and run the file.
Please note that the file type should be kept as ALL Files while saving it as a .bat file.
You can modify the code for your convenience. Change the bold text and try it out.
5. Make the Matrix
Matrix Bat
To make this, open notepad and type the following:
@echo off
color 2
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
Save this file as Matrix.bat
Make sure the file type is kept as ALL FILES while saving it as a .bat file.
Open the saved file and see the magic.
6. Alternative Single Character Matrix
Type in the following in notepad:
@echo off
color 0a
echo 7 y x 3 W 8 G M P q 1 F 0 U v c i j O D s a E I j H 9 t 6 7 z C B 4 g 8 3 W 8 G
ping localhost -n 1 > nul
goto A
Save the file as Matrix2.bat and run the file.
The file type should be kept as ALL FILES while saving a .bat file.
7. Lock Folders using Notepad
This trick may not work on all computers
Lets say you want to lock a folder named PICS in your D:\ drive , whose path is D:\PICS
Then the code should be something like this:
ren pics pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Pics is your folder name. Use the name of the folder in place for pics. Save the text file as lock.bat in the same drive.
To unlock this locked folder:
Open another new notepad text file and type the following:
ren pics.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} pics
Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive. Here again, pics is the name of the folder. Change it to the folder you want to lock.
8. Make a fake Virus POP UP
Type the following code in notepad:
@echo off
Save the file as pop.bat and run it. You should get two pop up messages. There has been an issue on some computers, but it should work on most computers.
9. Create a command prompt Virus message
Type the following in notepad:
@ echo off
title Virus
echo Your system is affected by virus
echo Windows will now try to undo changes
echo FAILED !
echo Your system is corrupt
Save the file as virus.bat and run the file.
10. Test your antivirus by EICAR STANDARD ANTIVIRUS TEST
Now, you can check if your antivirus really works. Type the following in notepad:
Save the file as virus-test.txt
Scan the file. If your antivirus detects this file as a virus and tries to remove it, then you can be sure your antivirus is a good one. This is a much easier way, than actually downloading a virus to test it. This sample virus code is perfectly harmless and allows you to test your antivirus. A good antivirus like MS Security Essentials will detect this test virus even before you scan it.


By vamshi →

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